Design Directory - design links and resources  for designers
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  Design Directory > Web Design
Web Design Firms (72)
Web Designers (58)
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E-Commerce (11)
Web Hosting (6)
Resources (32)
221. Domain Search
Domain search allows you to search com/net/org and country domains all at once in real time!
Added: 2004-12-06       
222. Biz Info Domain Name Whois
Provides whois domain name records for .biz and .info domains
Added: 2004-12-06       
223. Whois.Net
Whois.Net - searches both currently-owned and previously registered domains that are now available.
Added: 2004-12-06       
224. Whois Source - Wildcard Domain Search Lookup
Domain name search tool; allows wildcard search of current and deleted/expired whois domains.
Added: 2004-12-06       
225. AM NIC
Armenia Network Information Centre.
Added: 2004-12-06   Region: Armenia       
226. PayPal - Start Accepting Credit Cards Today With PayPal
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Added: 2004-12-04       
227. - and money moves
Pay anyone with an email address. The recipient receives the payment instantly. Moneybookers beats the cost, delay and inconvenience of traditional payment methods.
Added: 2004-12-04       
228. — merchant account / credit card processing alternative
Instant credit card processing services accounts for merchants with internet businesses. Only $ 49 Set Up Plus Transaction Costs.
Added: 2004-12-04       
High Quality Bookmarks for Web Designers. Free Templates, Tutorials, Free Images, Scripts...etc
Added: 2004-12-04       

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The Design Directory is more than design, more than inspiration! is made by designers for designers and other professionals, who are involved in different spheres of design - photographers, illustrators, architects, artists, web designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, fashion designers, digital artists, etc.
It is a multi-profile design site for YOU, if you are looking for state-of-the-art and creative ideas, because our Design Directory will provide you only with quality design links.


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