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  Design Directory > Graphic Design > Graphic Design Portfolios
31. Jim Magbanua
Philadelphia based designer, Jim Magbanua design showcase.
Added: 2007-07-22   Region: USA       
32. We Bleed Design
We Bleed Design is the online identity of American graphic designer & illustrator Bryan Katzel. His work includes package design, illustration, branding, toy, poster and advertising.
Added: 2007-07-06   Region: USA       
33., My work and Life Online
Portfolio website of a graphic and web designer living in Australia.
Added: 2007-05-12   Region: Australia       
34. FA design
Self promotional web site for the work of Francisco Aveledo. Graphic Designer & Art Director.
Added: 2007-05-12   Region: Spain       
35. Brutalgiftland
Portfolio site for designer/illustrator Mark Shepherd includes the sound project cold_elf.
Added: 2007-04-21   Region: USA       
36. Frankenstyles
Personal portfolio site of Stephen Kelleher. Art Direction and Design.
Added: 2007-04-16       
37. miguel albadan
Miguel Albadán is a graphic artist who has been interested on the existing magic attraction among math and design, in this sense, his style is closer to the Bauhaus than the Barroco. His Work shows clean compositions and solid structures.
Added: 2007-02-01   Region: Colombia       
38. anna-OM-line
If you mix retro vintage imaginery with plain colours and retro shapes and add web design + digital art + stock photos + fashion design + Spanish design you will get annaOMline´s original and genuine style.
Added: 2007-01-26   Region: Spain       
39. iorgdesign
Graphic design Portfolio: identity, GUI Interface and print works.
Added: 2006-12-17   Region: Mexico       
40. kevinwilldesign™ | kevin will chen
Graphic Design, Identity Systems, Branding Solutions, Print/Packaging, and all the good things in life.
Added: 2006-12-04   Region: USA       

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