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Visual Art
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Carpintaria Carlos Alberto
Carlos Alberto is a carpenter from Portugal. Most of Alberto’s projects are standard stuff: staircases, furniture. But some time ago, he built a wooden motorcycle “Daniela” a fully-functional Vespa-styled scooter built almost entirely from wood.
Added: 2013-04-19
Region: Portugal
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Guido Daniele
Guido Daniele propone la tecnica del “body painting” con pittura dei corpi delle models per foto, filmati pubblicitari, sfilate ed eventi.
Added: 2013-04-18
Region: Italy
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Paopao Studio
Pao is an Italian street artist who works in both fine arts media, such as painting,murals and sculptures as well as digital and commercial media.
Added: 2011-02-08
Region: Italy
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Bohyun Yoon
Bohyun Yoon is a native South Korean who studied in Japan and the U.S. His work investigates the images of the human body in terms of identity, sexuality, gender and culture, it also explores the limits of the body and the boundaries of communication.
Added: 2010-07-02
Region: Korea
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Art Limited
Art Limited is for artists, critics and models who propose creative, personal and original high quality work which is recognized and appreciated.
It was designed to bring a personal vision of Art presentation over the Internet media.
Added: 2010-03-27
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re-title.com is the information resource for emerging and professional contemporary art, providing directory services for internationally focused artists and galleries.
Added: 2010-03-03
Region: UK
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Artist Trust
Artist Trust supports art at its source — the creative individual. Artist Trust provides artists the time and resources necessary to prosper.
Added: 2009-11-21
Region: USA
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ARTINFO provides art news from around the world, as well as events, museums and gallery information, jobs, and auction reviews. ARTINFO is the online source for Art+Auction, Modern Painters, Culture+Travel, My ARTINFO, and Art Sales Index.
Added: 2009-10-23
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This British street artist with an international reputation shows and explains some of his best work. His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics.
Added: 2009-07-19
Region: UK
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