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Savoir print
Full color fast discount printing for graphic professionals, graphic designers and novices, Online interactive pricing, ordering, file upload and PDF proof sends your job to press in a single session.
Added: 2005-03-08
Region: USA, CA
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centre national de l'estampe et de l'art imprimé / art center for printed art.
Added: 2005-01-17
Region: France
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The Design Directory is more than design, more than inspiration!
directory.designer.am is made by designers for designers and other professionals, who are involved in different spheres of design - photographers, illustrators, architects, artists, web designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, fashion designers, digital artists, etc.
It is a multi-profile design site for YOU, if you are looking for state-of-the-art and creative ideas, because our Design Directory will provide you only with quality design links.
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