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Design Business Association - DBA
The Design Business Association (DBA) is the trade association for the UK’s internationally acclaimed design industry. Representing over 360 leading design businesses, the DBA provides business support and promotes the value of design to industry.
Added: 2007-05-14
Region: UK
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:output is a non-profit organization in Amsterdam. The goal of the foundation is to support young talents and provide a platform for the exchange of ideas on design education and the design profession.
Added: 2007-02-22
Region: The Netherlands
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Design Austria (DA)
DA is Austria’s only professional association and service organization representing the interests of designers from all the creative disciplines – graphic design and illustration, product design, and web design.
Added: 2007-01-22
Region: Austria
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SND - The Society for News Design
The Society for News Design encourages high standards of journalism through design. An international forum and resource for all those interested in news design, SND works to recognize excellence and strengthen visual journalism as a profession.
Added: 2007-01-06
Region: USA
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Experimenta – Association for the Promotion of Design and Design Culture is a non-profit organization based in Lisbon and created in 1998.
Added: 2006-10-04
Region: Portugal
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