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  Design Directory > Creative Community
Creative Agencies (37)
Graphic Design (40)
Creative People (37)
Interesting (21)
Communication Design (6)
Creative Resources (14)
Crowdfunding (2)
151. DOMA
DOMA is a group of argentines that started in Buenos Aires Street-Art scene in 1998 doing urban installations, stencils, street-projections and absurd compaigns. They studied illustration, film and graphic design.
Added: 2005-01-08   Region: Argentina       
152. FLINK
Flink creative studio based in Antwerp, Belgium. Work includes brand development, interactive media, packaging and print.
Added: 2005-01-08   Region: Belgium       
153. {{{ black is good }}}
Personal Portfolio/inspirational corner of photography and web design by Edith Rosenberg.
Added: 2005-01-04   Region: Switzerland       
154. Bloomfield Knoble
Bloomfield Knoble provide services for business' that require: Integrated media development, Online strategy and branding, Web design and management, Online database creation and management, interactive development, General advertising design services
Added: 2004-12-22       
155. Urban Collective
Urban Collective is a monthly submission site dedicated to showcasing the creative talents of designers around the world.
Added: 2004-12-18   Region: Australia       
156. sodaplay
sodaplay: the home of creative play
Added: 2004-12-18       
157. Worldwide.designers.2007
Worldwide.designers.2007, 140 international artists united by their differences and solidarity in a graphic design book
Added: 2004-12-01       

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The Design Directory is more than design, more than inspiration! is made by designers for designers and other professionals, who are involved in different spheres of design - photographers, illustrators, architects, artists, web designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, fashion designers, digital artists, etc.
It is a multi-profile design site for YOU, if you are looking for state-of-the-art and creative ideas, because our Design Directory will provide you only with quality design links.


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